I have been asked how security,mining,construction is connected with medic jobs. This connection has been there ever since time in memorial.
In Iraq there are armies of different scale and other projects and along there is also a group of medics of all specialities.
In Afghanistan is the same scenario.
In oil/gas industry is the same you will find nurses , paramedics,EMTs All with different qualifications pertaining to there different industries.
Mining and Construction they also employ medics in HSE.
Of recent I saw an advert for a paramedic post in South Africa, to accompany cash collecting vehicles for a security company
So do not hesitate to go on a website about security,mining,construction to look for those elusive highly paying medic jobs and vice versa those looking for psd or any security detail jobs you can also find them on some medical websites.
That brings me to a point I wanted to make here. I will be posting security jobs here as well.
Iam out of here.....wish you luck.